Monday, January 27, 2014

Patch My Heart Dress - Plantain Variation

Earlier this month, the French based sewing pattern company Deer&Doe released a free t-shirt pattern which they've named Plantain. To kick off the release, they've decided to host a sewing contest. The challenge is just to create your own version of the Plantain pattern. Here is one of my entries (yes, I'm actually working on a second one!).

I lengthened the t-shirt pattern into a dress and added a gathered ruffle to the bottom. I also changed the oval shaped elbow patches that were designed for the pattern into red heart-shaped patches. In essence, I'm literally wearing my heart on my sleeves!

The dress is sewn from a nice navy jersey I found at Dressew. It's so soft! I love the fabric and it wasn't too expensive either, just $7/m. I only used 1.5m for this dress. The heart-shaped elbow patches are made from leftover bits from my Olivia dress. 

The winner of the contest wins a couple of gift certificates, one to the Deer&Doe store and the other to a fabric store that sells pretty organic fabrics. I don't know if I'll win but I'm so happy with how this dress turned out. I love how pretty and simple it is and since it's made from jersey, it's so comfortable and wearable for all sorts of situations.

Anyways, wish me luck but even if I don't win, I've already come out a winner from having participated in the contest. It was a challenge that engaged my creativity and pushed me to meet a deadline. And now I have a cute dress!


  1. I love it! The ruffle is the perfect addition :)

    1. Thank you! I thought so too, I wasn't sure if I should have added the ruffle but it gave it a really nice finishing touch.

  2. You look so cute!! I'm going to write another blog post (like I did about the Laurel) - may I use you again, with your Plaintain entry? :D

  3. I voted for your Plantain, but think the dress should have been the pick for finalist. I agree with Lauren, the ruffle is perfection!

    1. Thank you so much for you vote! I really appreciate it.
